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Journalists started following the CMRI in the early 1970s. Attention took off in 1978 after they bought Mt. St. Michaels. Newspapers continued to write on the group heavily until the late 1980s.

April 12, 1974

The Catholic Northwest Progress told their readers to stay away from Schuckardt's group. Former CMRI priest Fr. Lawrence Brey was highly critical of the group.

CNWP April 12, 1974
The Catholic Northwest Progress, Seattle, WA, April 12, 1974

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January 24, 1975

The Radecki Brothers (the father & uncle of the CMRI Radecki Brothers) sued Schuckardt. Bliss Bignall would continue to represent the CMRI in lawsuits.

CNWP January 24, 1975
The Catholic Northwest Progress, Seattle, WA, January 24, 1975

March 3, 1978

Hazel Barnes and Nancy Woolum write their first of two articles on the group.

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Spokane Daily Chronicle, Friday March 3, 1978

March 4, 1978

Former Members of Sect now Disillusioned

The second of two articles from Hazel Barnes and Nancy Woolum.


Part 2

Part 2 (page 13)

May 30, 1979

In the first of two articles, Cheryl Ernst (staff writer with the Spokesman-Review) wrote an article about the Cox family, who was critical of the TLRC.

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The Spokesman-Review, Sunday May 30, 1979

Go to page A6

May 31, 1979

Tridentine: Cult or 'True Church'?

The second of two articles from Cheryl Ernst on the CMRI.


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Part 2 (page A6)

June 2, 1979

Tamplin and his "truth truck" were causing issues at The Mount.

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The Spokesman-Review, June 2, 1979

June 17, 1979

Mt. St. Michaels had a potluck for the neighbors.

Potlock at Mt. St. Michaels
The Spokesman-Review, June 17, 1979

Nov 27, 1980

Bob Cubbage began publishing a series of articles on the TLRC. This is the first in the series.

Sect walks corridor of past
The Catholic Northwest Progress, November 27, 1980

Part 2: Church in the catacombsPart 2 (p 13)

Part 3: Political beliefs »

Part 4: Land development dispute »

Part 5: Members follow 'Christ Crucified' »

Part 6: Ex-members say sect is a 'cult' »

Part 7: Schuckardt's consecration »

June 5, 1984

Church 'rift' brings violence

Church rift brings violence
The Coeur d'Alene Press, Tuesday June 5, 1984

Go to page 2

June 8, 1984

A second article from the Coeur d'Alene Press on the coup against Schuckardt

Tridentine official: Bishop 'mentally ill'
The Coeur d'Alene Press, Tuesday June 8, 1984

June 9, 1984

A third article from the Coeur d'Alene Press on the Schuckardt coup & fallout with the Chicoine faction.

Blue Army founder's star fades after 16 stormy years
The Coeur d'Alene Press, Tuesday June 9, 1984

August 26, 1984

Bishop Schuckardt was interviewed months after he left Spokane and was traveling around the west coast.

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The Spokesman-Review, Sunday August 26, 1984

Go to page A8 »

July 27, 1986

Reporter Jim Sparks wrote an article following up on the group after the 1984 split. Some ex-members questioned if anything had really changed after Schuckardt had left.

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The Spokesman-Review, July 27, 1986

Go to pages A10, A11, and A12

January 11, 1987

The article covers the fallout that the CMRI had with Bishop Musey. Bishop Musey left the group in September 1986 and took 35 families (100 people) and CMRI nuns with him.

Bishop George Musey (b.1928—d.1992), leader of the CMRI from 1985-1986 (who ordained the entirety of current CMRI leadership), was son of famous mob boss George Musey (b.1900—d.1935). George Musey, also known as "one-armed George Musey", was a mob boss in Galveston, Texas, during the Prohibition era. Along with Johnny Jack Nounes, he led the Downtown Gang, one of two gangs which controlled the Galveston underworld until the early 1930s.

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The Spokesman-Review, January 11, 1987

Go to page A8 »

May 14, 1987

Former Spokane Tridentine Bishop Arrested

Francis Schuckardt was arrested during a raid at his rented priory near Greenville, Calif., 100 miles northwest of Reno, Nev. Authorities seized Demerol, morphine, Dilaudid, Percodan and a bag of marijuana.


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Nov 19, 2002

Sect Behind the Shroud

A reporter from The Seattle Times writes on the Schuckardt group, who had been living in Renton, Washington and in California. This report was written after two nuns were raped and one was killed, after the nuns had been out late at night.


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November 4, 2005

Denver family tries to free mother from religious cult

A family tries to remove their mother from Schuckardt's group.


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June 21, 2007

Nuns pushed out of convent

In 2007, 15 nuns left The Mount and joined the Diocese of Spokane.


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